Prof. Yaroslav Hrytsak talks at Viadrina about Polish-Ukrainian Reconciliation

“Experiences of Reconciliation in Polish-Ukrainian Relations”

The presentation focused on two particular cases of the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation: a successful one, in case of the Polish Military Cemetery in Lviv (early 2000s) and a failed one, with regard to the 1943 Polish ethnic cleansing by Ukrainian nationalists (in 2013). It analyzed the reasons for these cases of success and failure in a larger context of memory politics in Eastern Europe.

Yaroslav Hrytsak is a professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine) where he is the director of the Jewish Studies Program. He has taught, among oth-ers, at Columbia University, Harvard University, and the Central European Univer-sity. He is the author of numerous publications on modern history of Eastern Eu-rope, including “Prophet in his Native Land: Ivan Franko and His Community” (Kyiv, 2006; Polish translation in 2011; English translation is forthcoming) and has re-ceived various Ukrainian and foreign awards for his academic achievements and public activity.

Moderation: Professor Dr. Alexander Wöll

Full video of the presentation: