Let’s Talk about Money! Master Class on Fundraising for Civil Society
Nowadays, civil society organizations and initiatives often have to sustain their activities with the help of external funding. Some organizations can hire a professional fundraiser, while others have to write project applications without additional resources. Nevertheless, they experience common challenges related to cooperation and communication with donor organizations. There are different types of donors as well – international foundations, private initiatives, local authorities, and even the community itself. All of them have their own expectations and goals that may not always be obvious.
Fundraising is often an invisible and not always remunerated part of work in NGOs, even though it directly impacts the future of civil society organizations. So let’s talk about fundraising, interaction with donors, and the role it plays in the sustainability and development of civil society organizations and initiatives.
We are happy to invite you to discuss these issues on 11 November at 10 am, Kyiv time (9 am CET). The participants of this master-class will have an opportunity to find out about practical fundraising issues and challenges from the representatives of Spilnokosht (Спільнокошт), the Theatre for Dialogue NGO (Театр для діалогу), and Arbeiterkind e.V. Furthermore, there will be a chance to share your own experience and reflection about fundraising in your projects. How to ensure sustainability for your organization with donor funds?
How to explain or quantify a certain amount of hours and needed resources?
How to find a good balance between output and available resources?
How to bring together mutual expectations and enhance cooperation between donors and grantees?
What are the opportunities and obstacles in fundraising when you are a grassroot activist initiative?
How to deal with the precarity of working conditions in civil society organizations? Which practices and policies can prevent activist burnout?
Our speakers: Oksana Potapova, the Co-Founder of the Theatre for Dialogue NGO, Kyiv;
Iryna Solovey, Director of Spilnokosht, a Ukrainian crowdfunding platform, Kyiv
Anne Stalfort, Head of Fundraising at Arbeiterkind e.V., Berlin
The master class will be facilitated by Alona Karavai, a co-founder of NGO Insha Osvita and co-founder and managing partner of the agency “proto produkciia”. To participate please register at this link: bit.ly/registration_fundraising. The deadline for registration is November 10, 18:00. You will receive all the access instructions before the event.
The event will be held online in English.
This event is a part of the project “Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building” that is implemented by European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, in close cooperation with Cedos think tank (Ukraine), National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Ukraine), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), National Youth Council Ukraine (NYCU), Centre Marc Bloch Berlin (Germany), Euro Créative (France), and the Minsk Urban Platform (Belarus).“Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building” is funded by the German Foreign Office within the program of Civil Society Cooperation.