Some might think that urbanism is all about parks and bicycle lanes — for those of you who think so — yes, that’s right, we do love parks and care to have more greenery in city, yes, we do love and ride bicycle and care about sustainable mobility – but urbanism is way more than that! It’s about loving the place you live in – the city – it’s about mastering the city, getting to know it better and enjoying inhabiting it. Minsk Urban Platform is a Belarusian non-profit organization consisting of a team of young professionals: researchers, architects, anthropologists, communicators and sociologists. Their goal is to make Belarusian cities more comfortable for people, because a comfortable environment makes citizens happier. To achieve it, for almost 7 years they’ve been engaged in urban research, participatory design, creating new urban spaces, and educating other people. With love to cities, with love to people.
So what to expect from Минская урбанистическая платформа? You might run into one of our like-minded colleagues from different cities, whom we invite for open lectures, public speakings, workshops and urban summer schools.