The first online meetings of participants of this year’s “Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building” took place on April 27th and 28th, when representatives of organizations and initiatives from Belarus, France, Germany, Poland and Ukraine met and shared their expectations for the programme and suggestions on the format of further joint work on projects. In addition, participants had the opportunity to attend two panel discussions on local development and regional policy in Ukraine and beyond, organized by “Ukraine Calling” in cooperation with CEDOS think tank (Ukraine), and share their views on this topic.
This year the participants represent the following organizations and initiatives:
International Public Association of Environmentalists (IPAE)
The Republican Youth Public Association “Next Stop – New Life” (NSNL)
France / Romania:
The Human Development Research Initiative (HDRI)
Cross-Border Investigations
Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights
Initiative Group “Mariupol Zero Waste”
The Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities
The next meetings are scheduled for June 14-17, 2021 in Frankfurt (Oder) or online during which participants will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and seminars on local development, cross-sectoral collaborations, cross-border networking, and fundraising.
The programme “Ukraine Calling. Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building” is funded by the German Foreign Office within the programme of Civil Society Cooperation.
#getconnected #yourprojectideas #transnationality #crosssectorality #localdevelopment2021 #civilsocietycooperation #UkraineCalling