- Memories of a Better Future. Analyzing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives
Repräsentanz der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin - Memories of a Better Future. Analyzing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives
- Panel Discussion: Radical Diverse Europe? Plurality, (Des-)Integration and Alliances
Online - Panel Discussion: Radical Diverse Europe? Plurality, (Des-)Integration and Alliances
- Digital Movie Screening “In Touch” (2018) and Q&A session
Online - Digital Movie Screening “In Touch” (2018) and Q&A session
- Needs and Challenges of Ukrainian NGOs Working with (Internal) Migrants. A Study Presentation
- Needs and Challenges of Ukrainian NGOs Working with (Internal) Migrants. A Study Presentation
- Science Diplomacy. Zielkonflikte und Chancen für Wissenschaftsakteure am Beispiel Belarus
- Science Diplomacy. Zielkonflikte und Chancen für Wissenschaftsakteure am Beispiel Belarus
- Voices from Ukraine IV: Russia‘s War and Global Migration. (Un)Intended Consequences?
- Voices from Ukraine IV: Russia‘s War and Global Migration. (Un)Intended Consequences?
- Voices from Ukraine V: Under the Sound of Sirens. Research on the Impact of War on the Civilian Population
- Voices from Ukraine V: Under the Sound of Sirens. Research on the Impact of War on the Civilian Population
- Voices from Ukraine VI: Political Psychology of War. How Propaganda Works
- Voices from Ukraine VI: Political Psychology of War. How Propaganda Works
- Voices from Ukraine VII: Weaponizing History. The Role of Memory in the Russian War against Ukraine
- Voices from Ukraine VII: Weaponizing History. The Role of Memory in the Russian War against Ukraine
- Voices from Ukraine VIII: Social Media in Times of War: Ethics and Aesthetics at the Intersection of Private and Public Communication
- Voices from Ukraine VIII: Social Media in Times of War: Ethics and Aesthetics at the Intersection of Private and Public Communication