Press and Alumni about UC

Press and Alumni about UC


Through peer counselling of the participants, individual project consultations and expert input from academia and practice, Romain Lequiniou from the French think tank Euro Créative was able to share his project idea on migration movements, especially of young creatives and well-educated people. All this happened in the digital space alone – why the two weeks of enormous screen time were extremely worthwhile and what motivates Romain to continue working on the implementation, you can read here in an interview, which was conducted by Europa-Universität Viadrina


Elżbieta Pasternak, International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim/Auschwitz

“Ukraine-Calling enabled me to have an open exchange about the history and present of Ukraine in an open atmosphere free of stereotypes. This was helped by very competent experts who shared their knowledge and experience in the format of the “round tables”. The diversity of competences and experiences among the participants was of great value, which was very inspiring for the development of the own project under the methodical guidance of the team”.

Europäische Jugendleiter*innen – Austausch der Erfahrungen, Aufbau des Dialoges

Podiumsdiskussion: Fans im Exil – Lebensrealitäten in der Ostukraine am Beispiel des Fußballs


Культура у конфлікті: як митці можуть допомогти подолати протистояння в Україні

My experiences and memories of the meetings during  the Ukraine Calling Program have remained with me and are irreplaceable for the work on our project.

Film project: In Odessa


Ralph Bridle, Duellmann Filmproduktion


Katerina Vorster, Federal Employment Agency

Thanks to Ukraine Calling I was able to expand my intercultural knowledge with German-Ukrainian characteristics. In addition, I particularly enjoyed the exchange and networking with experts, which are really valuable for my project work

Projekt: Berufliche Perspektiven für Deutschlernende

Ukraine Calling: німецький проект про Україну 


Ukraine in Unfrieden

“Ukraine Calling has opened a broad network Through these diverse contacts and information we were able to further sharpen the profile of our project.”

Interactive Performance „Parcel from abroad!“ 


André Erlen, Freihandelszone e.V.

Im Dialog mit der Ukraine